Commerical Cleaning Service Website

HotBoxxx Website, 3d Models, Graphics, Custom Email, & More

Category :


Client :


Location :

Auckland, New Zealand

The Challenge,

We were tasked with creating a website for HotBoxxx, a subsidiary of Phoenix Environmental. They were entering a unique market without an existing website. HotBoxxx rents commercial soak tanks to kitchens on a lease agreement, focusing on hygiene solutions.

The Solution,

We conducted extensive market research to identify the right keywords targeting commercial kitchens in the hygiene space. We then developed a comprehensive brand identity, including a logo, and designed a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate website. The site features custom graphics and 3D models to highlight their services and features.

The Outcome,

The result is a highly user-friendly and fully SEO-optimized website that establishes a strong, competitive brand presence, driving increased visibility and business growth.

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